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MS Outlook Calendar integrates with MS Outlook Calendar to make it easy for you to manage your schedule. With this integration, you can create, reschedule, retrieve, and cancel online meetings and events. You can also see when others are free or busy and suggest times that work best for everyone. Lastly, you can attach files to events for easy organization.

1. Connect MS Outlook with integrates with the Outlook calendar using the OAuth 2.0 authentication. During integration, guides you to login page of the Microsoft Identity provider, where you must log in to their work account and provide consent to access their calendar data. Follow the below- mentioned steps to connect your MS Outlook account with your bot.

1.1 Register an app on Azure Active Directory

  1. Go to > Active Directory > App Registrations.

  1. Click New Registration and provide the details for the new app.

  1. To get the Redirect URI details, retrieve the redirect URL from the Outlook Calendar integration card in the platform integration module. For e.g.,

  1. Navigate to Certificates & Secrets > New client secret > Fill the description & select Expires to your convenience (recommended 6 months), click Add button, a Client Secret will be generated, save the value of the Client Secret.

  1. Under API Permissions > Add a permission -> Select Microsoft Graph -> Delegated permission -> search and add the required permissions.

Permission scopes of Outlook Calendar:

Calendars.ReadWriteThe app can create, read, update, and delete events in the user's calendars with the user's permission.
Calendars.ReadWrite.SharedThe application can perform operations such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting events in all calendars of the organization that the user has access to, including delegate and shared calendars.

1.3 Enable MS Outlook on

  1. Go to > Integrations.

  1. Search for Outlook calendar and enter the obtained Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret from the Azure portal in the integration card and click Connect.

You'll need to log in to your Microsoft work account and give the app permission to access your calendar data.

  1. If you have multiple accounts, follow the above mentioned steps to add each of them.
  1. Enter a unique name for each account to easily identify them within the platform. It is recommended to use a name that aligns with its purpose for better usability.
  2. You can add a maximum of 15 accounts.
  3. In a two-tier environment, such as bots with only Development/Live environments, you can add account names only in the development mode. Once added and flows have been built, in the Live mode, you can only choose the account names and not edit them.
  4. In a three-tier environment, such as bots with Staging/Sandbox/Production modes, in Staging and Sandbox modes, you can add and edit new accounts. However, in Production, only the account details added in Staging will be available. You can only map in the production environment.

2. Use-cases

This integration currently supports the following use-cases:


When multiple accounts are added, select the appropriate account for each node, allowing you to leverage the unique functionalities of each account for their intended purposes.

2.1 Create calendar event

This actions allows you to create online events in your default calendar, specifying the date, time, and time zone. Invitations are automatically sent to attendees' Outlook inboxes. Recurring events can also be set up.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputDatatypeRemarks
Start time{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T09:00:00.000","timeZone":"India Standard Time"}Object TypeThe start date, time, and time zone of the event.
End time{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T10:00:00.000","timeZone":"India standard Time"}Object TypeThe date, time, and time zone when the event concludes.
Can invitees propose a new time?TrueboolThe meeting organizer has enabled the option for invitees to suggest an alternative time while responding.
Attendee details[{"emailAddress":{"address":"[email protected]","name":"Pradeep"},"type":"required"}]ArrayThe list of people attending the event.
Meeting description{"contentType":"HTML","content":"Scrum"}Object TypeMeeting agenda
Importance of the eventHighStringThe priority of the event, the possible values are: low, normal, high.
Recurrence{"pattern":{"type":"daily","interval":3},"range":{"type":"endDate","startDate":"2023-04-11"}}Object TypeThe pattern of how often the event will occur.
Meeting titleScrumStringA brief summary that identifies the purpose of the meeting.

Sample response:

"content":"<html><head></head><body>Does late morning work for you?</body></html>"
"timeZone":"Pacific Standard Time"
"timeZone":"Pacific Standard Time"
"name":"Samantha Booth",
"address":"[email protected]"
"name":"Dana Swope",
"address":"[email protected]"
"onlineMeeting": {
"joinUrl": ""

2.2 Get calendar events

The Get Calendar Events function returns a list of events from the your default calendar based on the defined start and end date time, including both single instance and recurring meetings.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputData TypeRemarks
Start date time2023-04-11T12:00:00.000StringThe start date, time, and time zone of the event.
End date time2023-04-12T12:00:00.000StringThe date, time, and time zone when the event concludes.
Response time zoneIndia standard timeStringReturns the event’s start time and end time in the specified time zone.

Sample Response:

"value": [
"id": "AWtBH7_RLmY0nAoX3PzBwCh69yUb7hwSIjZoGosUcSzAAAAAAENAACh69yUb7hwSIjZoGosUcSzAAATuTBzAAA=",
"subject": "Hangouts",
"isCancelled": false,
"type": "singleInstance",
"allowNewTimeProposals": true,
"recurrence": null,
"start": {
"dateTime": "2023-04-15T05:30:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2023-04-15T06:30:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"attendees": [
"type": "required",
"status": {
"response": "none",
"time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Samantha Gupta",
"address": "[email protected]"
"onlineMeeting": {
"joinUrl": ""

2.3 Recommend meeting slots

This option allows you to set parameters such as date, time, and attendees for a meeting. It takes into consideration everyone's schedules and suggests appropriate times for the meeting. If it can't suggest any times, it will let you know why, such as if the organizer or a required attendee is unavailable. You can use this information to adjust your parameters and try again.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputData TypeRemarks
Time constraints{"timeslots":[{"end":{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T12:30:20.2020","timeZone":"India Standard Time"},"start":{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T09:00:00.000","timeZone":"India Standard Time"}},null]}ObjectYou can set restrictions on a meeting's timing and nature by specifying the activity domain and available time slots.
Attendee details[{"emailAddress":{"address":"[email protected]","name":"Samantha"}}]ArrayDetails of the people who will attend or be involved in the meeting.
Length of the meeting in minutes60StringThe length of the meeting
Response time zoneIndia standard timeStringThis provides the event's start and end times in the designated time zone.

Sample Response

"suggestionReason":"Suggested because it is one of the nearest times when all attendees are available.",
"timeZone":"Pacific Standard Time"
"timeZone":"Pacific Standard Time"
"address":"[email protected]"

2.4 Update an event

This action allows you to change the details of an event that is already on your calendar. To do this, you need to provide the ID of the event and a new object with the updated information.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputDatatypeRemarks
Start time{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T09:00:00.000","timeZone":"India Standard Time"}Object TypeStart date, time, and time zone of the event.
End time{"dateTime":"2023-04-11T10:00:00.000","timeZone":"India standard Time"}Object TypeEnd date, time, and time zone for the event's end.
Can invitees proposeTrueboolOption to propose a new time if the organizer allows it.
a new time?
Attendee details[{"emailAddress":{"address":"[email protected]","name":"Pradeep"},"type":"required"}]ArrayList of attendees for the event.
Meeting description{"contentType":"HTML","content":"Scrum"}Object TypeMessage body associated with the event.
Importance of eventHighStringImportance of the event (low, normal, or high).
Recurrence{"pattern":{"type":"daily","interval":3},"range":{"type":"endDate","startDate":"2023-04-11"}}Object TypeRecurrence pattern for the event.
Meeting titleScrumStringA brief summary of the meeting agenda.

Sample Response:

"originalStartTimeZone": "originalStartTimeZone-value",
"originalEndTimeZone": "originalEndTimeZone-value",
"responseStatus": {
"response": "",
"time": "datetime-value"
"recurrence": null,
"reminderMinutesBeforeStart": 99,
"isOnlineMeeting": true,
"onlineMeetingProvider": "teamsForBusiness",
"isReminderOn": true,
"hideAttendees": false,
"onlineMeeting": {
"joinUrl": "",
"conferenceId": "177513992",
"tollNumber": "+91 22 6241 6885"

2.5 Add an attachment

This action adds a file to an event, and the size of the file should be less than 3 MB.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputData TypeRemarks
File URL of the file being attached.
Event IDAAMkAGI1AAAt9AHjAAA=StringEvent ID.
Name of the fileimage.jpegStringCustom name (not necessarily the file name) to be displayed with the attachment icon.

Sample Response

"@odata.context": "$metadata#users('6aoGosUcSzAAAAAAENAACh69yUb7hwSIjZoGosUcSzAAATuTBwAAA%3D')/attachments/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
"@odata.mediaContentType": "image/png",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-03-30T06:05:51Z",
"name": "mahi.png",
"contentType": "image/png",
"size": 78744,

2.6 Cancel an event

This action lets the meeting organizer cancel an event by sending a cancellation message, which moves the event to the Deleted Items folder. For recurring meetings, the organizer can also cancel a specific occurrence by providing the occurrence event ID.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputData typeRemarks
Event IDAAMkAGI1AAAt9AHjAAA=StringEvent ID.
Send a cancellation messageOut of officeStringSends a cancellation message.

2.7 Get event details

This action will provide information about a specific event, including its properties and relationships. The start and end times of the event will be in the time zone chosen by the user.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputData typeRemarks
Event IDAAMkADA1ODMyOWE0LWNkZmUtNDJiYy1hNWI1LWE1NmQwY2RmNDhlOQBGAAAAAAAXtAWtBH7%2BRLmY0nAoX3PzBwCh69yUb7hwSIjZoGosUcSzAAAAAAENAACh69yUb7hwSIjZoGosUcSzAAAFJQ9WAAA%3DStringUnique identifier for the event
Response time zoneIndia standard timeStringProvides the start and end time of the event adjusted to the time zone specified by the user.

2.8 Get busy time slots

This action shows a someone's scheduled events during a specific time period from their default calendar, indicating whether they are free or busy. If no events are scheduled, the user is assumed to be free during that time range.


The table below has sample inputs, data types and remarks of the fields for this action.

Field NameSample InputDatatypeRemarks
Email addresses["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]ArraySMTP addresses of users to get availability information for.
Start time{"dateTime":"2023-04-04T09:00:00.000","timeZone":"India Standard Time"}ObjectThe start date, time, and time zone of the event.
End time{"dateTime":"2023-04-04T12:43:49.4949","timeZone":"India standard Time"}ObjectThe end date, time, and time zone of the event.
View available interval40numberDuration of a time slot in the [availability View] of the response.