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Scope of Integration Integration with AWS-S3 allows you to seamlessly connect your remote bucket with the platform. Using this integration, one can get remote files, create a bucket, delete Bucket, upload files to Bucket, getSignedUrl for a file and delete a file from bucket.


Configuring the integration with AWS-S3 is straightforward. Follow the steps defined below to start integrating:

To integrate AWS-S3 with your bot on the platform:

  1. AWS Account and Access Keys

    • Open the IAM console at
    • On the navigation menu, choose Users
    • Choose your IAM user name (not the check box).
    • Open the Security credentials tab, and then choose Create access key.
    • To see the new access key, choose Show. and Copy the Access Key Id and Secret Access Key.
    • Go to IAM -> User -> click on your user -> Add Permission -> Add AmazonS3FullAccess Policy.
  2. Go to Integration section

  3. In Integration click on the connect for the AWS-S3.

  4. Enter Access Key Id and Secret Access Key. alt_text

  5. Click on Save

  6. Once the integration is done successfully, You can find an Integration option available in addition to the existing nodes.

  7. Store AWS-S3 response in Object type variable in action-node.

  8. If you have multiple accounts, follow the above mentioned steps to add each of them.

  1. Enter a unique name for each account to easily identify them within the platform. It is recommended to use a name that aligns with its purpose for better usability.
  2. You can add a maximum of 5 merchant accounts.
  3. In a two-tier environment, such as bots with only Development/Live environments, you can add account names only in the development mode. Once added and flows have been built, in the Live mode, you can only choose the account names and not edit them.
  4. In a three-tier environment, such as bots with Staging/Sandbox/Production modes, in Staging and Sandbox modes, you can add and edit new accounts. However, in Production, only the account details added in Staging will be available. You can only map in the production environment.


Following are the use-cases which are currently accommodated in the Integration:


When multiple accounts are added, select the appropriate account for each node, allowing you to leverage the unique functionalities of each account for their intended purposes.

1. Upload File:-

From this method you can easily upload files to a bucket.

Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
fileCdnUrl* source for data to copy to the remote server.
remoteFilePath*/uploads/directoryPath/demo.pngPath to the Bucket to be created on the Bucket with file name.
bucketName*your_bucket_nameThe name of the bucket where upload the file

2. List Objects:-

Returns some or all (up to 1,000) of the objects in a bucket

Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
bucketName*Your_Bucket_NameThe name of the bucket containing the objects.

3. Delete File:-

deletes an object from an S3 bucket

Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
remoteDirPath*/folder/demo.ongKey name of the object to delete.
bucketNameYour_Bucket_NameThe bucket name of the bucket containing the object.

4. Bucket Lists:-

Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. To use this operation, you must have the s3:ListAllMyBuckets permission.

5. Get Object:-

Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. To use GET, you must have READ access to the object.

Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
remotefilePath*photos/2006/February/sample.jpgTo get an object from such a logical hierarchy, specify the full key name for the object in the GET operation
bucketName*Your_Bucket_NameThe bucket name of the bucket containing the object.

6. Create Bucket:-

Creates a new S3 bucket. To create a bucket, you must register with Amazon S3 and have a valid AWS Access Key ID to authenticate requests Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
bucketName*Your_Bucket_NameThe bucket name of the bucket where you will store the objects.

7. Get Signed URL:-

Get a pre-signed URL for a given file.

Node Input Params:-

Field NameSample InputRemarks
remoteFilePath*remote directory path
bucketNameYour_Bucket_NameThe bucket name of the bucket containing the object.
expire60Expire time of url in seconds.

Note: If you open the signed Url in browser, then It will take extra 40-60 sec to given expiry time due to browser's cache mechanism.

