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Chat Agent Performance Report

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Only an admin can download the reports.

1DateThe selected date
2NameName of the agent
3EmailEmail of the agent
4GroupName of the group to which the agent belongsN/A if no group is specified for the agent
5Agent IDUID for agents (for internal purposes
6Active Ticket CountThe total number of active or unresolved tickets for the dayIncludes unresolved tickets from the previous day
7Resolved Ticket CountThe total number of tickets resolved by the agent for the day
8Avg. First Response TimeThe average time taken for the agent's first response on all encountered tickets Default timing is 00:00:00
9Avg. Handling TimeThe average time taken to handle each ticket encountered by the agent for the dayDefault timing is 00:00:00
10Avg. Response TimeThe average time taken to respond to messages within each ticket for the dayDefault timing is 00:00:00
11Average Agent RatingThe average feedback rating received by the agent for all tickets for the dayRatings scale is from 1 to 5
12Agent Rating Count (Filled)The total count of ratings received by the agent for resolved tickets
13Total Thumbs Up
14Total Thumbs Down
15Tickets CSAT (Solved)Number of people who clicked the "Solved" button for the "Did we resolve your case?" questionPart of the chat feedback setting
16Tickets CSAT (Unsolved)Number of people who clicked the "Unsolved" button for the "Did we resolve your case?" questionPart of the chat feedback setting
17% Ticket SolvedPercentage of tickets solved out of total solved and unsolved tickets for the day
18Agent Online DurationThe total time the agent set the status to "Available" for the day
19Agent Busy DurationThe total time the agent set the status to "Busy" for the day
20Agent Away DurationThe total time the agent set the status to "Away" for the day
21Total Agent AvailabilityTotal agent availability time, calculated as the sum of "Available" and "Busy" durations
22Start Login TimeThe first login time of the agent
23Last Login TimeThe last login time of the agent if there were multiple logins in the day
24Total Login CountThe total number of times the agent logged into the account for the day
25First Logout TimeThe first logout time of the agent
26Last Logout TimeThe last logout time of the agent if there were multiple logouts in the day
27Total Logout CountThe total number of times the agent logged out of the account for the day