Ticket Agent Performance Report
Ticket agent performance report provides detailed insights into the performance of agents handling tickets. It includes metrics such as the number of resolved and unresolved tickets, first response time, average reply time, and average handling time. You can also track the total number of email tickets that are assigned, resolved, unresolved, and created for different date ranges. Additionally, it provides data on average wait time for customers before connecting to a live agent and the average reply time for agents responding to end users.
Learn how to generate Ticket agent performance report here.
Only an admin can download reports.
Sno | Field | Description | Comments |
1 | Date | The date for which the report is generated | Format is DD-MM-YYYY |
2 | Agent Name | Name of the agent | |
3 | Agent Email | Email ID of the agent | |
4 | Group name | All the group names to which the agent belongs | If agent belongs to multiple group, all the group names will be listed here |
5 | Assigned tickets | Total number of new tickets that were assigned to the agent on the selected date | Including ticket transfers |
6 | Resolved tickets | The total number of tickets assigned to agent that were resolved on the selected date. | The ticket may have been created inside/outside the selected date. |
7 | Transfers made | The total number of tickets assigned to the agent that were transferred on the selected date. | |
8 | Reopened tickets | Total number of tickets assigned to the agent that were reopened on the selected date | If a ticket is reopened multiple times, the reopened ticket count would still be 1 for that ticket |
9 | Agent first response time [HH:MM:SS] | The average time taken by the agent to send the first response for the tickets, from when it was assigned to them. | Only the tickets whose first response were sent during the selected time period will be taken into account |
10 | Agent response time [HH:MM:SS] | The average time taken by the agent to reply back to each of the customer's response in the tickets assigned to them on the selected date | |
11 | Agent resolution time [HH:MM:SS] | The average time spent by the agent to resolve tickets on the selected date | Resolution time = Resolved timestamp - In progress timestamp - (Time spent on Onhold + Pending statuses) |
12 | Avg. responses to resolution | The average number of outgoing responses an agent sends in resolving the tickets assigned to them. | |
13 | Total SLA triggers | Total count of SLAs triggers [achievements + breach] applicable to the agent on the selected date | Each ticket that is assigned to an agent can have a max of 1 FRT SLA, 1 Resolution SLA and X no. of Response time SLAs. So, Total SLA triggers = 1+1+X |
14 | Total SLA achievements | Total number of times where the agent successfully achieved the applicable SLAs on the selected date | |
15 | Total SLA breaches | Total number of times where the agent breached the applicable SLAs on the selected date | |
16 | FRT SLA achievements | Total number of times the agent met the specified FRT SLAs on the selected date | i.e Of all the tickets where FRT was sent, how many were achieved under the set limits |
17 | FRT SLA breaches | Total number of times where the agent breached the specified FRT SLAs on the selected date. | i.e Of all the tickets were FRT was sent, how many were breached from the set limits |
18 | Response time SLA achievements | Total number of times where the agent met the specified response SLAs on the selected date | |
19 | Response time SLA breaches | Total number of times where the agent breached the specified response SLAs on the selected date | |
20 | Resolution time SLA achievements | Total number of times where the agent met the specified resolution SLAs on the selected date | |
21 | Resolution time SLA breaches | Total number of times where the agent breached the specified resolution SLAs on the selected date | |
22 | Agent available duration [HH:MM:SS] | The total time spent by the agent under the available status on the selected day | |
23 | Agent busy duration [HH:MM:SS] | The total time spent by the agent under the busy status on the selected day | |
24 | Agent away duration [HH:MM:SS] | The total time spent by the agent under the away status on the selected date | |
25 | Custom status duration [HH:MM:SS] | The total time spent by the agent under the custom statuses, if any, on the selected date |
- The same ticket reopened & resolved multiple times will still have its count as 1 [Assuming it is happening in the same date]
- If I assign, resolve and reopen an email ticket on the same day, then;
Assigned - 1 Resolved - 0 Reopened - 1
- If I reopen a resolved ticket from yesterday, today. The resolved count for the previous day [yesterday] would be -1 [minus one]. This is because that ticket is no longer under the resolved status and would not be counted for the same.
For eg: Ticket #17 created on Jan 1, 2022 and resolved on the same day. Agent performance report for 01/01/2022 is as follows; 01/01/2022 - Assigned [1], Resolved [1], Reopened [0]
On Jan 2, 2022, if the same ticket (#17) is reopened, the report is as follows; 01/01/2022 - Assigned [1], Resolved [0], Reopened [0] 02/01/2022 - Assigned [0], Resolved [0], Reopened [1]
- If a ticket spans mulitple days, the resolution time for that ticket will only be updated on the day agents resolve that ticket,
For eg: Day 1 Assigned - 1 [Ticket got assigned] Resolved - 0 Resolution time - 0
Day 2 Assigned - 0 Resolved - 0 Resolution time - 0
Day 3 Assigned - 0 Resolved - 1 [The ticket was finally resolved] Resolution time - 72:00:00 etc.,
- If a ticket spans multiple days and is also transferred between agents back & forth, the agent who was assigned to the ticket when resolved will only get the Resolution time in the agent performance report and not the other agents.