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Analytics and Reports

On the analytics page, you will find dashboards for:

  1. Chat analytics

    • Total chats
    • Open chats
    • Queued chats
    • Assigned chats
    • Missed chats
    • Resolved chats
    • Chat feedback
  2. Agent performance

    • Average handling time
    • Chat response time
    • Average agent rating
    • First response time
    • Agent rating count
  3. Email analytics

    • Tickets created
    • Assigned tickets
    • Resolved tickets
    • Avg handling time
    • First response time
    • Avg response time

To ensure consistency and accuracy, Inbox metrics data calculation is based on the chatbot's time zone across the platform. This means that all data calculations, such as chats resolved, missed, etc., in the past X days, will reflect the bot's time zone regardless of where the admin or supervisor is located.

On the reports page, you can download reports for:

  1. Chat reports

    • Chat archives
    • Agent activity
    • Agent performance
  2. Email reports

    • Ticket archives
    • Agent performance

The data displayed on the Analytics page may differ from the data downloaded in the Reports section due to the following reasons:

  • Date comparison mechanism: The archived chat report compares dates based on ticket creation dates, while the resolved chat dashboard considers the time of ticket resolution.
  • Treatment of resolution period: When generating a report for resolved chats within a specific timeframe, such as from January 1st, 2024, to January 31st, 2024, the resolved chat dashboard includes all chats resolved during this period, regardless of when the tickets were created. For instance, if a ticket was created on December 25th, 2023, and resolved on January 5th, 2024, its data will be present in the resolved chat dashboard. In contrast, the chat archive report will only contain data for tickets created exclusively in January.