Configure and use video call in chats
Text-based communications have limitations when dealing with complex issues to offer personalized support. it takes a lot of time and effort to provide an effective resolution. To resolve this complication, Inbox provides the option of video calls. Video call provides humanized digital customer experience. Other advantages of video calling are:
- It is easier to achieve a meaningful interaction with the customer face to face (compared to a live chat or an email).
- It helps provide in-person support from anywhere across the world.
- It improves customer satisfaction, increases the efficiency of the team's fast and stick resolution, boosts sales, and increases the trust with the customer.
Video call feature will only work once the bot and agent are configured for it. Refer to video calling settings for the steps to configure it.
In this article, you will learn how video calling works for agents vs. customers.
Video calling workflow
Agents can tend to their customer, share their screen, focus their products, provide consultation and superior customer experience, with a click of a button by using the video calling feature.
While resolving a query on live chat, Agents/customers might encounter instances where the solution is dependent on understanding the query through video call. For example: to fix a WIFI modem. In these situations a video call can be initiated.
This switch from live chat to video call is possible when the Video call option is selected on the Raise ticket node.
On the customers side the call option(icon) is disabled by default (unless Voice call is enabled within Raise ticket node).
When the call icon is enabled, customers can request for a video call, agent gets notified, agent can join the video call and understand the query.
Similarly, when an agent wants to understand the customer query better, they can request for video call and the customer can join the video call.
Resolving a query on video call does not mean that the live chat is resolved. After disconnecting the video call, the agent must resolve the live chat by clicking the Resolve button on the chat screen.
Agent side video calling features
Click the phone icon next to the chat name (from Inbox > Chats).
Provide permission to your system to access video and call.
For other channels like WhatsApp or Facebook, agents can just copy the video call link and paste it on the customer chat for them to join.
Agent will have all the video calling facilities (view in full screen, share screen, mute audio, mute video, disconnect, etc.). They can disconnect/leave the call after providing the resolution.
Maximize screen or Share screen during the video call
- When you are on a call, you can see the customer's name/video and the option to maximize (full screen) or share screen.
- You can select the share screen option to show your screen to the customer.
- You can select full screen to view in maximized mode.

Customer side video calling features
Customer must click on the phone icon to receive/initiate the call with the agent.
Customer will have all the video calling facilities (view in full screen, share screen with agent or customer, mute audio, mute video, disconnect, etc.). They can disconnect/leave the call after finding the resolution.
To minimize the video call screen and view the chat screen, customers can click the message button. For example: if the agent has sent a URL for registration during video call, customer can minimize or maximize video call to view the chat screen.