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Viber template also supports sending campaigns on Viber Business. These campaigns.

The following are the different use cases that you an solve with the template -

  1. Send transactional updates: OTP, Order status, Payment remainders, feedback prompts, cart recovery

  2. Use for marketing and promotions: New product offer, seasonal promotions, brand awareness

  3. Add rich media and actionable content: Engaging templates with text, images, video, buttons etc.

1. Prerequisites

Viber Business channel must be enabled for this to work. To enable Viber, go to Channel > Viber Business and Enable Viber Business.


To create a new Viber Business account, reach out to the support.

2. Create Viber template

To create a Viber business template, follow these steps -

  1. On the left navigation bar, go to Engage > Templates.

  2. Click Create new template > Viber for business.

  1. Add a template Name. It should be in lowercase. You can use alpha- numerics and only underscore is allowed as a special character.

  2. Select your preferred message format (Text only, Media message or Actionable message) and click Create template.

2.1 Text only message

Select this to create a pure text message. You can use You can bold or italicise words and add variables wherever required in the message.

2.2 Media message

Use this to create a template with any of the following formats

  • image: jpg, png
  • video: .3gp, .m4v, .mov, .mp4 for video; .jpg, .jpeg, .png for thumbnail) or file.
  • Document: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .dot, .dotx, .odt, .odf, .fodt, .txt, .info
  • PDF: .pdf, .xps, .pdax, .eps
  • Spreadsheets: .xlx, .xlsx, .ods, .fods, .csv, .xlsm, .xltx

You can upload a media file (uploaded from the local system) or enter the image URL (media URL can be pasted).

2.3 Actionable message

Choose this to create templates with clickable options.

For example, If the media is an image, a separate redirection URL can be configured. This way, upon clicking the button, the users will be redirected to the specified URL.

If the media is video, upon clicking the button, the video will open up on the browser.

To add media, scroll down and select Attach media > In Media type, choose Image or Video. > In the field that appears, upload the media file or paste the respective URL. For video, you can also add the Thumbnail image.

The media file can be uploaded from the local system or the relevant media URL can be pasted in the applicable field.

What next?

After creating a Viber template, create a Viber campaign using the template as explained here.