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Knowledge base additional configuration

In addition to its core functionality, our KB offers a range of additional configurations designed to enhance your experience.

Use KB via. Document search node

Utilize the Document Search node to offer responses from website URLs or documents uploaded on the Knowledgebase (KB) by following these steps:

  1. Upload your URL links/Documents to KB.
  2. Go to the Build section and configure a flow that utilizes doc-cog to generate answers.
    • Employ a Question node to pose a question and store the user query in a variable.
    • Use this variable (user query) as input for the Document Search node.
  3. In Document search settings, customize the response with the following options:
    • Number of records to display
    • Max no. of results per document
    • When results found: Enter text to be displayed when the Document search/KB node generates a response successfully
    • When result not found: Enter text to be displayed when the Document search/KB node does not respond


  1. Test and deploy your bot.

Modify auto generated bot answers

If you are not satisfied by the bot response or if you would like to modify the generated information, you can edit the responses generated by the bot. This functionality offers enhanced customization over the content exchanged between the bot and users.

To edit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Preview bot section of KB and test your flow by asking questions. Once the bot replies, click the Edit button.

  2. In Your question, edit the question you asked to test the bot reponses. In Bot's answer, edit the response given by the bot and click Save.

  3. You will be prompted to visit the FAQ page to map more questions to the right answers. Click Go to FAQ and refer to this doc to know about the FAQ section in detail.


You can go to the Preview bot section and test your question and answers.


Edit option to edit the responses/questions is available while testing only (Development/Sandbox/Staging env). After editing the responses they are trained automatically, you need not perform any other action.

Set up a multilingual KB responses

This feature ensures the KB bot responds in any language, regardless of the language of the website/document. With multi-language support, it searches within the website, retrieves answers, and translates responses into the end user's preferred language, identified either through their language selection or the language in their initial message.

To configure, follow these steps:

  1. Upload your URL links to KB.
  2. Navigate to the Build section and configure a language setup flow.
    • Add a quick reply node with the button name as the language and the button value as the ISO code for that language. View the ISO codes here.image
    • Store the response of the Quick reply node in a variable (language).
    • Send the stored variable (language), which is the ISO code, to the Set language node.
    • Follow up with a question/text node to prompt users to ask questions in their preferred language. image

You can also build this flow with a Document search node.


  1. Add language support to your widget by following these steps. drawing
  1. Test and deploy the bot.

In the output, website links will be in English for enhanced readability. Titles are translated, facilitating quick navigation and comprehension of the accessed content, whether it's a document or a website link.

Set tone for your bot responses

Customize your bot's tone to align with your preferred response style. offers 4 distinct tones that allows you to tailor your bot's responses to end users. Refer to the table (after the steps) to see how this works.

To configure the tone of the response:

  1. Go to Studio > Build > Conversation Settings

  2. Click Document Search.

  3. Go to Model response and choose the preferred tone from the drop down.

EmpatheticResponds in a way that acknowledges and reflects the user's emotions.drawing
FormalUses a professional and formal tone in responses.drawing
Short AnswersConveys information concisely with brief responses and minimal descriptions.drawing
Instructions basedProvides responses in a clear instructional format.drawing

Automate fallback for your bot

When the bot doesn't understand user queries, it offers the closest relevant answers to their questions as a fallback. You can customize the fallback messages to show these suggestions.

  1. Go to Studio > Build > Conversation Settings

  2. Click Document Search.

  3. Go to Auto fallback and click Enable as auto-fallback. Scroll down, in Model Fallback Message, enter the fallback message to show.


