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Dynamic chat node


For enterprise subscription bots, this node is enabled by default. For other subscription bots, activation of this node is available only upon request.

Dynamic chat node simplifies conversational design by facilitating goal-oriented interactions through its prompt generator. It analyzes scenarios for tailored responses and generates the prompts based on the given use case. This node enables businesses to offer custom solutions with responsive interactions.

You can input instructions directly, which are then automatically converted into prompts to engage with users. This eliminates the need for manual building flows or adding nodes.

This node is powered by generative AI and LLMs (Large Language Models) to drive conversation flows and generate responses.

Benefits of Dynamic chat node:

  • Simplifies conversation design: Users can input instructions directly. There's no need for building nodes or designing flows.
  • Enhanced user experience: Dynamic Chat Node enables a more interactive and personalized experience for users, as the bot responds dynamically to their inputs.
  • Time-saving: Saves time and effort in conversation design, enabling users to focus on creating engaging content.
  • Real-time interaction: Facilitates instant analysis of user input and generates immediate responses, leading to faster query resolution.

Dynamic chat node is editable only in lower-tier environments. In a two-tier setup, you can only edit in the Development environment, whereas in a three-tier setup, editing is only possible in the Sandbox environment.

This video demonstrates how to configure the Dynamic chat node:

Add Prompts to Dynamic chat node

There are two ways to add the prompts to Dynamic chat node:

  1. Generate prompts using AI
  2. Manually write your prompts

Generate prompts using AI

This option automatically creates prompts based on predefined goals, use cases, and input using Gen AI.

To generate prompts using AI, follow these steps:

  1. Build a flow for your use case and extend the node where you want to include the Dynamic chat node. Under Prompts click Dynamic chat node.

  • The AI prompt generator is displayed.

  1. Enter the following fields and click Generate.


    a. Write goal: Define the role of the virtual assistance and conversation's primary objective.
    b. Write usecase: Specify the topics or scenarios the conversation should cover.
    c. Describe fallback: Explain the action the bot should take if it does not understand the user's input.
    d. Add input: Add the user information that the bot needs to collect from the user.

  2. Once the prompt is generated, you can click Add prompt to add it. If you would like to further improve the generated prompt, click Improve prompt.


You can also edit the prompts based on your requirements before adding the prompt to the node.

  1. AI prompt generator offers suggestions based on the defined goal. Users can select additional prompts to be added, enter the details required for those prompts, and then click Regenerate to finalize the prompts.


Manually write your prompts

This option allows you to directly input your own instructions instead of relying on the AI prompt generator. You can type out specific instructions tailored to your needs and objectives.

  1. Build a flow for your use case and extend the node where you want to include the Dynamic chat node. Under Prompts click Dynamic chat node.

  2. Once you click the dynamic node, the AI prompt generator opens up.

  3. Click Cancel on the pop-up and type your instructions in Prompt manually.

User contextUser context allows you to store string values as variables, which can be retrieved anywhere within the context using {{userContext}}.

For example, if you want to offer a discount of 35%, you can store it as a string variable and use {{userContext}} to retrieve this information within the context.

Similarly, User context can be used to fetch and display data to the end user at any point in the conversation. It is important to note that only one User context can be used in a single conversation.
Send initial user messageSends the user messages from the conversation with the bot to the dynamic chat node before the flow control transitions to the dynamic chat node.
Send message after chat endsThe last message sent to the user when the conversation ends with the dynamic chat node.
GoalDescribe the objective of the bot. To indicate the start of the context and instruct the bot to follow the given instructions, you enter START CONTEXT. Similarly, to indicate the end of the instructions, you enter END CONTEXT.
You can define any desired actions for the node, such as greeting the user, collecting their information, verifying the entered details, and more. This allows you to tailor the behavior and actions of the node based on your specific needs.

Points to remember while describing a goal

  1. Begin the prompt with clear instructions, separating the instruction and context using ### or """.

    • Wrong ❌: Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points.

    • Correct ✅: Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points.

      """ {text input here} """

  2. Provide specific, descriptive, and detailed requirements regarding the desired context, outcome, length, format, style, etc.

    • Wrong ❌: Write a poem about OpenAI.
    • Correct ✅: Write a short inspiring poem about OpenAI, focusing on the recent DALL-E product launch (DALL-E is a text to image ML model) in the style of a {famous poet}
  3. Minimize the use of vague and imprecise descriptions.

    • Wrong ❌: The description for this product should be fairly short, a few sentences only, and not too much more.
    • Correct ✅: Use a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph to describe this product.
  4. Include relevant details in your query to ensure more accurate and pertinent answers.

    • Wrong ❌: How do I add numbers in Excel?
    • Correct ✅: How do I add up a row of dollar amounts in Excel? I want to do this automatically for a whole sheet of rows with all the totals ending up on the right in a column called "Total".
  5. Articulate the desired output format through examples

    • Wrong ❌: Extract the entities mentioned in the text below. Extract the following 4 entity types: company names, people names, specific topics and themes.

    • Correct ✅:Extract the important entities mentioned in the text below. First extract all company names, then extract all people names, then extract specific topics which fit the content and finally extract general overarching themes

      Desired format: Company names:<comma_separated_list_of_company_names>

  6. Instead of just saying what not to do, say what to do instead

    • Wrong ❌: The following is a conversation between an Agent and a Customer. DO NOT ASK USERNAME OR PASSWORD. DO NOT REPEAT.
    • Correct ✅:The following is a conversation between an Agent and a Customer. The agent will attempt to diagnose the problem and suggest a solution, whilst refraining from asking any questions related to PII. Instead of asking for PII, such as username or password, refer the user to the help article

Version management for prompts

If you are satisfied with your prompt and consider it stable, you can save the current version as a backup. This allows you to revert to a previous version if necessary. Additionally, the published prompt will have a separate tag, simplifying the process of restoring it to the last stable version.


Prompt versioning is possible only in Sandbox/Developement modes.

  1. Click the floppy disk icon to save the prompt.

  2. Whenever you want to restore the prompt, click the restore icon.

  3. Choose the version of the prompt to be restored, and click Restore.


Dynamic Chat settings

Additional configurations in the dynamic chat node consist of various settings that fine-tune the behavior and functionality of the node. These configurations enables users to tailor the behavior of the dynamic chat node to specific use cases, optimize performance, and enhance the overall conversational experience. Here are some common additional configurations and their purposes:

Input list

The Input list allows you to store the specific details of the user that need to be collected from the user.

To add input to the node, follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add another input.

  2. Enter the following details and click Add.


a. Input name: Enter the name of the input to be collected.

b. Store response in: Choose or create a variable to store the collected information.
c. Mark as optional: Select this option to indicate if the collected information is optional.
d. Mask input: Select this option to mask the input collected from the user and this input will be masked in the conversation logs as well.
e. Add input details(optional): Enable this option to enter a sample format for the input to be collected.
f. Regex for validation: This option allows users to specify a regular expression pattern to validate and ensure that the input provided by the user matches the desired format. For example, if the expected input is a PAN (Permanent Account Number) number, users can define a regular expression pattern that accurately represents the format of a PAN number. This pattern serves as a rule to validate the user's input, ensuring it conforms to the expected structure.
g. Examples of expected input: Provide samples of expected input to match the defined format.

Failure setting

The Failure setting allows you to specify messages to be shown when the bot takes too long to respond, set response time, and define conversation limits. Under this setting, you can configure:

  1. Enable retries: Enable this option to allow the bot to show a maximum of two failure messages before switching to the fallback flow.
  2. Configure timeout time: This option allows you to set the exact duration (in seconds) after which the bot should time out.
  3. Max limit of conversations: Set the maximum number of conversations before moving to fallback if the conversation is still not over.
  4. Restrict ill-formatted responses: Enable this option to avoid any unformated response from LLMs.

Troubleshoot failure setting

You can easily determine the reasons behind failure/timeout messages through tags.

  • If the tags are related to APIs or the LLM vendor, please reach out to the respective third-party vendor or check their status for assistance.

  • If the tags are bot-level, you can manage the configurations within your node. And if the tags are platform-level, please contact us.

You can find these tags in two places:

  1. Production bots and past conversations:

    i. Navigate to Studio > Analysis > Conversation Logs.

    ii. You can also use the filter to search for conversations based on these tags and take appropriate actions.

  2. Debug logs:

    For continuous and replicable errors, you can find additional information in the debug logs within the Preview section, as well as in the conversation logs (highlighted in orange).


Skill configuration

Skill configuration enables you to create workflows that can be linked to goals and invoked as needed within a conversation. These workflows operate in the background while control remains in the dynamic chat node.

Skills can perform various tasks such as calling functions, executing APIs, database operations, triggering user events, and more. This extends the bot's capability to handle dynamic data. The workflow can include logical branching and integration nodes.

Adding skills to the dynamic chat node enhances goal-based conversations. For instance, in a travel scenario, a skill workflow can call a weather API based on the provided location to fetch weather conditions, aiding in travel planning.

To configure a Skill in the dynamic chat node, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Studio > Build > Flows > Create flow > + Create skill and create a flow to execute certain actions. For more detailed information on how to create a Skill, click here.

  2. Click Skill configuration and enable Enable skill.

  3. Fill the following fields:


    a. Skill: Choose the skill to be utilized by the Dynamic Chat node.
    b. Input to skill: Choose the variable that holds the input for the skill.
    c. Output from skill: Choose the variable where you want to save the outcome of the skill.

  4. Click + Link more skill to add more skills.

Goal configuration setting

This setting determines the creativity, randomness of the bot's responses, and the total number of tokens the model generates.

In this setting, you can configure the following fields:



The temperature setting controls the randomness of the generated text and ranges from 0 to 2. Higher temperature values result in more varied outputs, while lower values produce more focused responses.

  • A temperature of 0 makes the model deterministic and repetitive, favoring tokens with the highest probability.
  • Increasing the temperature leads to more creative and diverse outputs by incorporating tokens with lower probabilities.

For example, let's consider the statement "The weather today is ----". With a low temperature setting (close to 0), the model might consistently complete the prompt with a simple response like "sunny". However, as you increase the temperature, the responses become more varied and creative:

  • Temperature 0.5: Today's weather is sunny with a gentle breeze.
  • Temperature 1: Today's weather is sunny, but you expect rain in the afternoon.
  • Temperature 1.5: Today's weather is sunny, but don't be surprised if you encounter a sudden thunderstorm.
  • Temperature 2.0: The weather today is sunny, but it feels like the calm before the storm.

Maximum Length

The Maximum Length setting allows you to define the maximum number of tokens or characters in the model's response. This ensures that generated text remains concise and relevant to the context.

Example (maximum length of 50 tokens): "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Example (maximum length of 140 characters): "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

Top P

The Top P setting determines the probability threshold for selecting the next token during text generation. Only tokens surpassing this threshold are considered for generating text.

For example, if you set Top P to 0.3, the model selects tokens with a cumulative probability exceeding 30%. This setting is useful for filtering out less probable tokens and controlling the diversity of generated text.

Consider the statement "India is ––" with the following probable tokens:

  1. a country (20%)
  2. is the largest democratic nation in the world (15%)
  3. is a country in southeast Asia (10%)
  4. is the seventh-largest country by area (5%)
  5. is a culturally diverse country (3%)

With a Top P setting of 0.3, the model considers only the first two tokens (20% and 15%) and excludes the remaining tokens.


  • Controlling Creativity: Lower the threshold (e.g., p = 0.1) for conservative and predictable responses, suitable for technical documentation or factual information.
  • Promoting Diversity: Increase the threshold (e.g., p = 0.9) to encourage more varied and imaginative responses, ideal for creative writing prompts or brainstorming.
  • Balancing Creativity and Coherence: Use a moderate threshold (e.g., p = 0.5) to strike a balance between controlled output and promoting creative alternatives, such as generating marketing taglines or social media posts.

Model Configuration

In the model configuration, you have the flexibility to manually input your custom GPT or LLM credentials into the bot. This enables you to use different models on various dynamic nodes within the same bot independently. This flexibility allows you to conduct extensive experiments and tailor your bot's responses to specific contexts.

For detailed instructions on adding the LLM account, refer to this documentation.


To add custom LLM, follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add account.

  • You will be redirected to LLM in the Integrations section.
  1. In Account name, provide a name to your LLM account.

  2. In LLM Provider, choose your LLM provider.

  3. In API key, enter the API Key from the endpoint of your GPT 3.5 or GPT.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Go back to the node > Model configuration > choose Model.


Voice Configuration

Voice configuration enables you to create interactive voice-enabled interactions, enhancing the conversational capabilities of your bot.


Acknowledgment Message field will soon be removed from the UI.

Configure the following fields:

  1. Wait Music: Upload music to play while the bot generates a response. Music must be in MP3 or WAV format, with a maximum size of 15 MB.

  2. Preview Audio: Review the uploaded audio file, adjust volume and playback speed, and listen to a preview before finalizing settings.
