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Manage outbound campaigns

You can access and view all the campaigns created for your organization on the Outbound page of the Engage module. This section provides a comprehensive overview of each campaign, including its name, status, scheduled dates, and performance metrics.

View Outbound campaigns

To view Outbound campaigns created:

  • On the left navigation bar, go to Engage > Outbound.

Below are descriptions for each column of the Overview table:

NameName of the campaign.
StatusCurrent status of the campaign.
  • Pending: The campaign has been scheduled and is awaiting preparation and sending at the scheduled time.
  • Preparing: We initiate the process of finalizing the recipients for the campaigns 30 minutes before the scheduled execution time, using the segmentation logic that has been set up. In rare cases, when dealing with a considerably large segment size, this process may exceed the allocated 30 minutes.
  • Failed: The campaign failed to execute or complete due to an issue. Please retry the campaign or reach out to support for assistance.
  • Paused: The campaign has been paused. There are multiple cases in which campaigns can be paused. For example, when a WhatsApp template receives lowest rating. For additional information, please refer the tooltip by hovering over the status.
  • In Progress: The campaign has initiated and is currently in progress.
  • Completed: The campaign has been successfully completed. You can download the report or refer to the metrics available in the table for more information on delivery updates.
  • Draft: The campaign has been saved as a draft for editing.
ChannelsThe communication channel used to send out the campaign, such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, or any other messaging channel.
SuccessThe success rate indicates the success status of messages from the previous campaign execution and provides the overall success rate for the entire campaign. It also includes a breakdown of the count of messages sent, delivered, read and failed.
Last executedThe most recent execution (date and time) of a recurring campaign. It provides information on the success status of messages from the previous execution and also displays the overall success for the entire campain.
Next execution timeThe scheduled time for the next execution of the campaign. This is applicable for recurring campaigns.

The campaign data displayed on the Outbound page is refreshed automatically every five minutes. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date information regarding your campaigns at all times.

Filter campaigns

Campaign filters let you quickly narrow down the list of campaigns based on your specific requirements. You can filter campaigns by name, status and date-range.

To filter campaigns:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Outbound.
  2. Click Filters.
  1. Configure your preferred filter condition. You can set one or more filters.

    • Name: Enter the name of the campaign you want to fetch. This will filter the campaigns based on the specified name.
    • Status: Select the desired status to filter campaigns. You can choose from options such as Pending, Scheduled, Running, Completed, Failed, or Paused. This will display campaigns that match the selected status.
    • Date range: Choose the duration for which you want to filter campaigns. You can specify a specific date range to narrow down the campaigns based on their execution or creation dates.
  2. Click Apply filter.


You can clear selected filter(s) using Clear filters.

You can download comprehensive reports for all campaigns you send out from’s Engage module. You can use these reports to analyze campaign performance and see the in detailed report of errors (if any).

You can view report directly on the UI or download detailed report.

Pause or resume campaign

You can temporarily halt or restart a campaign from execution. When you pause a campaign, it stops sending messages and remains in a paused state until you decide to resume it. This can be useful when you need to make adjustments, review performance, or address any issues. Once you're ready, you can easily resume the campaign to continue sending messages to your intended recipients. Pausing and resuming campaigns gives you control and flexibility in managing your messaging activities.

  • To pause a campaign, navigate to the desired campaign in the Outbound campaigns table and click on the Pause icon.

  • To resume a campaign that has been paused, navigate to the desired campaign and click on the Resume icon.


You cannot pause or resume a campaign that is in the Draft, Completed, or Failed state.

Download and analyse campaign report

The campaign report provides complete insights and data regarding the performance and results of your campaigns. By downloading the campaign report, you can access detailed information about campaign metrics, audience engagement, conversion rates, and more. This report serves as a valuable resource for analyzing the effectiveness of your campaigns and making data-driven decisions to optimize future marketing strategies.

To download the campaign report:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Outbound, and click on the Download icon.

    • If you are a domain user, you will receive a Slack notification prompting you to download the report.

    • For non-domain users, an email will be sent containing a download option.

  2. Open the email or Slack message and click on the provided link. The link opens and you will see a Download button.

  3. Click on the Download button to save the campaign report as a CSV file on your device.

  4. Click on the Download button. The report will be downloaded as a CSV file.

For detailed information on how to understand campaign report, see the following section.

Understanding the downloaded campaign report

Campaign IDThe unique ID generated for the campaign.
Campaign NameThe name provided for the campaign when creating.
ChannelThe targeted channel for the campaign such as Email, Whatsapp, SMS, and so on.
BotIdBot ID associated with the campaign.
UserIdUser contact details based on the channel. For example, WhatsApp phone number for Whatsapp, email ID for email campaign.
User DetailsAll the details of the bot user in the current campaign.
Template IDName of the template used to trigger messages for that particular campaign.
Sender IDThe phone number/email ID from which the messages were sent. Learn how to configure sender IDs in Channels Email, SMS, WhatsApp.
StatusMessage delivery status. Supported statuses for email: Scheduled, Processing, Sent, Dropped, Delivery delayed, Malformed, Bounced, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Unsubscribed, Spam reports, Failed. To know about each status, see Delivery status descriptions.
Quick Reply ResponseApplicable for interactive templates. Example: For Whatsapp templates with a button, the quick reply response from the button will be captured against each user.
CommentsDelivery state of the particular message. For FAILED messages, the error description will be shown.
Scheduled TimeThe start time of the campaign.
Sent timeThe time when the message is sent to the user.
Delivered timeThe time when the message is delivered to the user (Applicable only for Whatsapp channel).
Read timeThe time when the recipient read the message (Applicable only for Whatsapp channel).
ErrorError code in case of FAILED messages.
UserDetailsUser details fetched from the user profile used in the notification message. Examples:, UserDetails.firstName.