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Outbound campaign reports

You can monitor and track the progress and effectiveness of your campaigns. Additionally, you have the option to view or download campaign reports for further analysis and insights.

View campaign report

The campaign report provides comprehensive insights and data regarding the performance and results of your campaigns. This helps conveniently monitor and assess the performance of your outbound campaigns without the hassle of downloading and analyzing CSV reports.


We only store reports for the past 190 days. Campaign reports beyond this timeframe are not available.

To view the performance of an outbound campaign, follow these steps:

  1. In the Engage section, click Outbound.

  2. Click on the Campaign analytics of the campaign for which you want to view the report.

You can also see the detailed break-up of the messages sent, delivered, and read.


This section showcases the count of messages sent, failed, and goals achieved.

SentThe total number of messages sent from the campaign.
FailedThe total number of messages that did not deliver successfully.
GoalsThe total number of goals accomplished during the campaign.

The Performance section also includes the delivery status funnel chart, each status is explained in the following section.

Message delivery status

The following table provides descriptions of different delivery status of Outbound report.

Delivery statusDescription
TriggeredMessage has been sent to the downstream service and is yet to send from there.
ScheduledMessage has been queued to be sent. For example, single tick on Whatsapp.
SentMessage has been sent. For example, single tick on WhatsApp.
DeliveredMessage has been delivered. For example, double tick on WhatsApp.
ReadMessage has been read. On Whatsapp this is trackable only when end-user has blue ticks - read receipt turned on. This status includes both messages that have been read and messages that have been replied to by the recipient.
DroppedReport from the email server when bounce, unsubscribe, or spam occurs.
BouncedAn error while sending the email for several reasons such as the email address doesn't exist, the recipient's inbox being full, poor sender reputation, server outages, and so on.
UnsubscribedUser has opted out of receiving emails from the brand.
Delivery delayedMessage sending got delayed for reasons such as servers are overloaded, and the recipient's mail server is temporarily offline.
Spam reportsEmail is reported as spam.
FailedUnable to send the message.
malformedThis occurs when essential properties in your template, such as the phone number or other user property, are not available for some users.

Campaign delivery status by messaging channels

The following table lists the campaign delivery status for different messaging channels.

WhatsAppScheduled, Processing, Sent, Delivered, Read, and Failed.
SMSScheduled, Sent, Delivered, and Failed.
EmailScheduled, Processing, Sent, Dropped, Delivery delayed, Bounced, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Unsubscribed, Spam reports, and Failed.
Mobile pushScheduled, Sent, Delivered, Read, and Failed.

Campaign details

Campaign typeType if the campaign - Outbound.
Channels sent onChannel through which the campaign was sent.
Segment nameName of the segment.
Schedule typeOccurance of the campaign - once or recurring.
Scheduled onDate and time when the campaign was sent.
Campaign progressDisplays the history of the campaign, including details such as the creator, scheduled execution time, campaign execution start, and successful processing of all audiences.

Download and analyse campaign report

The campaign report provides complete insights and data regarding the performance and results of your campaigns. By downloading the campaign report, you can access detailed information about campaign metrics, audience engagement, conversion rates, and more. This report serves as a valuable resource for analyzing the effectiveness of your campaigns and making data-driven decisions to optimize future marketing strategies.

To download the campaign report:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Outbound, and click on the Download icon.

    • If you are a domain user, you will receive a Slack notification prompting you to download the report.

    • For non-domain users, an email will be sent containing a download option.

  2. Open the email or Slack message and click on the provided link. The link opens and you will see a Download button.

  3. Click on the Download button to save the campaign report as a CSV file on your device.

  4. Click on the Download button. The report will be downloaded as a CSV file.

For detailed information on how to understand campaign report, see the following section.

Understanding the downloaded campaign report

Campaign IDThe unique ID generated for the campaign.
Campaign NameThe name provided for the campaign when creating.
ChannelThe targeted channel for the campaign such as Email, Whatsapp, SMS, and so on.
BotIdBot ID associated with the campaign.
UserIdUser contact details based on the channel. For example, WhatsApp phone number for Whatsapp, email ID for email campaign.
User DetailsAll the details of the bot user in the current campaign.
Template IDName of the template used to trigger messages for that particular campaign.
Sender IDThe phone number/email ID from which the messages were sent. Learn how to configure sender IDs in Channels Email, SMS, WhatsApp.
StatusMessage delivery status. Supported statuses for email: Scheduled, Processing, Sent, Dropped, Delivery delayed, Malformed, Bounced, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Unsubscribed, Spam reports, Failed. To know about each status, see Delivery status descriptions.
Quick Reply ResponseApplicable for interactive templates. Example: For Whatsapp templates with a button, the quick reply response from the button will be captured against each user.
CommentsDelivery state of the particular message. For FAILED messages, the error description will be shown.
Scheduled TimeThe start time of the campaign.
Sent timeThe time when the message is sent to the user.
Delivered timeThe time when the message is delivered to the user (Applicable only for Whatsapp channel).
Read timeThe time when the recipient read the message (Applicable only for Whatsapp channel).
Goal achievedIndicates whether the set goal was achieved (True) or not (False).
Goal achieved atTimestamp when the goal was achieved in Month DD, YYYY hh:mm AM/PM.
ErrorError code in case of FAILED messages.
UserDetailsUser details fetched from the user profile used in the notification message. Examples:, UserDetails.firstName.