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View user details

User 360 lets you view the complete details of a user including user properties, tags, user events, and segments. You can use the Filter option to fetch users based on a certain condition, especially when the user base is large.

Customise User 360 table/columns

You can organize user properties to better understand your data. You can also customize the table by choosing the fields you want to see and ordering them as you prefer. For instance, you can place user identifier on the first column.

Customize columns

To customise the User 360 table data/columns:

  1. On the User 360 page, click User properties.

  2. In Select properties (left pane), select the properties that you want to see in the User 360 table.

Rearrange columns

  1. In Arrange your properties (right pane), drag a property to the required position.

  2. Click Save. This action will save your preference and reloads the table to display your new preference.

Filter users

To see details of an existing user, follow these steps:

  1. On the User 360 home page, navigate to the user whose details you want to see.

  2. If the user list is long, use Filters to show a specific set of records from the entire user base.

  3. In Conditions, define the condition by which you want to filter users.

You can see three boxes that correspond to {parameter}{operator}{value}.

  • Parameter: The user property that you want to use to filter records (first box).
  • Operator: The condition that you want to define. It contains Is known, Is not known, Is, Isn't, Contains, and Does not contain. These values might differ based on the parameter selected.
  • Value: The value of the expression. This might not apply to all operators. For example, firstName Is Tom, phone is known, and emailOptin is true.
  1. Use + to evaluate or conditions. For example, the condition firstname is tom + sam fetches users whose first name is either Tom or Sam.

  2. Use + Add condition to evaluate multiple conditions (and). For example, the condition gender is Male and phoneNumber is known fetches all male users whose phone number is available in User 360, emailOptIn is false fetches all users who have opted out from emails.

  1. Click Apply. You will see the filtered user list.

View user card

  1. From the users list, click on the user that you want to see.

See the following table for descriptions of each field in the User details card.

ProfileShows the user name, user ID, and the date when the record was created. You can also modify the user details using the Edit icon.
TagsShows the label(s) associated with the user. You can use + Add tags to add more tags or remove existing tags.
SegmentsShows all the segments associated with the user.
User propertiesShows all the user property details.
Use the Search box to fetch a specific user property.
User eventsShows the break up of events triggered for the user. You can see details such as events triggered for each day, event name, summary of changes, and complete details of the changes in the user record.
It also shows the timeline of System events and User events, and the recent bot channel used by the user.
Shopify eventsIf the bot is integrated with Shopify, you will also see Shopify related events in user data such as shopifyCartCreate, shopifyCheckoutCreated, shopifyOrdersUpdated, shopifyOrderFulfilled and so on. For more details on Shopify events, see Integration related events.