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Dyte Event Integration in Cloud Web Bots

When the video call feature is enabled in the Raise Ticket node, the bot receives an event called dyte-event. This event has multiple sub-events that allow the bot to send messages or follow up with clients accordingly.



  • Chat with Agent Flow: Ensure that the chat flow is set up to enable communication with an agent.
  • Video Call Feature: The video call feature must be activated in the bot configuration.

Steps to use dyte event

  1. Navigate to Automation > Flows. Open the Raise Ticket node > Advance settings.
  2. Select the options for Voice Call and SIP Call.

  1. Initiate Video Call:
    • Once these settings are configured, a call symbol will appear beside the Transfer and Resolve buttons when the chat is assigned to you within the Inbox module.
    • Click on the call symbol to initiate a video call with the end user.

  1. After the video call is connected, the bot will receive a dyte-event. This event includes several sub-events that can be used to trigger further actions.

Sub-Events in Dyte Event

  • meeting.started: Triggered when the meeting starts.
  • meeting.participantJoined: Triggered when a participant joins the meeting.
  • recording.statusUpdate: Triggered to provide updates on the recording status.
  • meeting.participantLeft: Triggered when a participant leaves the meeting.
  • meeting.ended: Triggered when the meeting ends.