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Exclude opted-out users from campaigns

Enhance your campaign targeting by excluding users who have opted out. Learn how to ensure your messages reach the right audience while respecting user preferences.

Store opt-out status through converstions

  1. Train an utterance with the keywords such as "DND" and "unsubscribe".

    i. Navigate to Studio > Train.

    ii. Click Add new intent.

    iii. Provide a relevant name for the intent and add "DND" and "unsubscribe" as Uttrences. iv. Click Add to save the intent.

  2. Set up a flow to trigger based on the intent and choose the relevant intent.

  1. Use the Variable node to update the relevant user property, in the following example, the campaignOptIn property is set to false. This ensures that the customer's optout status is captured and stored in User 360.

  2. Create a user segment excluding opted-out users.

    Add a condition to include users whose campaignOptIn status is true. Use this updated property as a condition in segment targeting to exclude users who have opted for DND from receiving further campaign messages.

  1. When setting up your campaign, make sure to exclude opted-out users using the segment you created. This ensures that users who have opted for "STOP" or "DND" will not receive any further campaign messages.