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Managing categories, folders and articles

In this article, you will learn:

  1. How to manage categories?
  2. How to manage a folder?
  3. How to manage an article?

The support portal is another medium to automate the incoming support queries by making it easier for the customers to find information about their issues which in turn reduces the number of tickets raised for the support agent support portals are designed in a way to make customers find information easily without needing help. Hence the support portal has to be structured in a well-defined & intuitive manner. Knowledge > support portal hierarchy is as follows;

Categories > Folders > Articles

Categories basically cover the broad theme of your product or service. Taking an e-commerce company as an example, Payments, Shipping & Delivery, etc., would be the major categories. Folders are a group of articles that explain a subset within that category. For eg, Refunds, Policies within Payments.


  • Refunds
  • Payment issues
  • Unknown charges

Shipping & Delivery

  • Large & Bulk items
  • Collection points
  • Terms & condition
  • Only Admin, Inbox Admin & Inbox Supervisor can create, read, update and delete content in the support portal.
  • Inbox Agents can only read articles.

1. Manage a category

Follow the below steps for managing a category:

  1. Inbox Admins & Supervisors can create categories by going to Knowledge > Support portal > New > Category.
  2. One can also create categories from the left navigation bar by clicking on the + icon.
  3. Enter the name, icon and description of the category.
  4. Select the Create category button.

One can also edit the name, description, and icon of the category later by clicking on the three dots icon and Edit.

Deleting a category

  1. To delete a category, select the category that you want to delete in the left-side navigation bar. Click the three-dot icon and select delete.

Deleting action is irreversible. All its successive folders & articles will be deleted forever.

2. Manage a folder

Follow the below steps for managing a folder:

  1. Open Knowledge > Support portal > New > Folder. image
  2. One can also create folders by clicking on the three dots icon in the left side navigation bar under the required category.
  3. Enter the name, icon and description of the folder.
  4. Select Create folder.
  5. One can create up to 6 levels of folders nested within each other.

Although we'd recommend not to have more than 3/4 levels of nesting for the sake of end-user experience & navigation.

Deleting a folder

  1. To delete a folder, click on the three dots on the folder either from the left navigation bar or from the middle and then Delete.

image image


Deleting action is irreversible. All its successive folders & articles will be deleted forever.

3. Manage an article

Follow the below steps for managing an article:

  1. Open Knowledge > Support portal > New > Article.
  2. Enter the title of the article.
  3. Update or verify the location of the article i.e where folder/category it should come under.
  4. Select the Create Article button.
  5. An article can be deleted by clicking on the delete button from the three-dot icon.
  6. Once you've created an article & added content, you can either save or publish it.
  • 1. Manage a category
  • 2. Manage a folder
  • 3. Manage an article