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Key metrics related to sessions

This article guides you through analyzing key metrics related to sessions. These metrics include:

  1. Message Count
  2. New User Count
  3. Unique User Count
  4. Session Count

Understanding the type of session—either bot or user session—is crucial for accurate analysis.

To determine the session type

  1. Right-click on your screen and select Inspect.
  2. Open the Network tab and search for the keyword "Insights."
  3. Refresh the page and examine any API call's payload to determine the session type. By default, it is set to a bot session.

Message Count

To analyze message counts:

Bot SessionUser Session
1. Open Data Explorer > Message Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Interaction Type = welcome-reply.
3. Summarize the data based on the Sum of Count.
1. Open Data Explorer > Message Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Interaction Type != welcome.
3. Summarize the data based on the Sum of Count.

New User Count

To analyze new user counts:

Bot SessionUser Session
1. Open Data Explorer > User Engagement Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Event = first-message or Users-visited.
3. Summarize the Count.
1. Open Data Explorer > User Engagement Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Event = first-message.
3. Summarize the Count.

You can also apply filters based on channels and timestamps.

Unique User Count

To calculate the unique user count:

Bot SessionUser Session
1. Open Data Explorer > Message Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Type = bot-message.
3. Summarize the data based on Distinct UID.
1. Open Data Explorer > Message Events table.
2. Apply a filter for Type = user-message.
3. Summarize the data based on Distinct UID.

Session Count

To count sessions:

Bot SessionUser Session
1. Open Data Explorer > User Engagement table.
2. Apply a filter for Event = bot-session.
3. Summarize the Count.
1. Open Data Explorer > User Engagement table.
2. Apply a filter for Event = user-session.
3. Summarize the Count.