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Insights Module Revamp (Phase 1)

What has happened?

We have revamped the Insights module UI to significantly cut down on legacy features and the black-box nature of our reporting based on valuable customer feedback. In this vein, we have sunset some of our old, out of the box dashboards.

Discontinued sections

We have removed the following screens from the UI:

  • Overview
  • Metrics
  • User Journeys
  • Voice Overview
  • Doc Cog

Why have we done this?

You might have noticed that while these reports were informative and accurate, they acted like black boxes when it came to the underlying raw data. You couldn't perform custom drill-down opertions, change filters, or adjust visualizations for specific metrics. That's why we decided to remove these screens and widgets to make reporting more accessible, transparent, and robust on the Dashboard and Data Explorer pages.

Where have the old reports gone?

You can check the detailed breakdown here.

  1. All of the discontinued reports have been partially or fully migrated to Default Dashboards.
  2. Metrics/widgets are moved to default reports labeled as Created by
  3. You can clone default reports and dashboards for custom drill-down operations.
  4. Custom dashboards and reports are still available on custom tab.

You will soon be able to setup Custom alerts on these reports.

Where can I find the old exports for Chat transcripts, User traffic, Bot performance, etc.?

Previously, we had standard data exports which could have been downloaded from our out of the box dashboards. We have partially or fully migrated these exports into the Data Explorer in order to give you complete transparency in terms of the availability of raw data and the precise parameters used for metric calculations.

You can find the status of the migration here.

Data Explorer and Dashboards - The centre pieces

We've elevated the Dashboards and Data Explorer features to the heart of the Insights module. All of our reporting has now been consolidated into the Default Dashboards section of Insights.

Every report you used to refer to from those screens is available on dashboards labeled 'Created by'.

Default reports

Default reports are a curated list of Data Explorer powered reports which give you access to the underlying data and parameters, allowing you to tailor them to your analytics needs. They can serve as a starting point for building complex queries or be used out of the box for basic insights. You can clone our Default Reports and Dashboards to incorporate custom drill-down operations.


We have curated the following new Dashboards for you:

New DashboardDetails
Bot OverviewReplaces the old Overview screen. Contains reports for user traffic and channel consumption.
Bot performance metricsReplaces the old Metrics screen. Contains reports for bot performance and accuracy.
Generative AINew dashboard for GenAI and KB usage.
Inbox chatsNew dashboard for Inbox tickets and their statuses.
Inbox agent performanceNew dashboard for Inbox agent metrics.
Email ticketsNew dashboard for email ticket reports.
VoiceReplaces the old Voice Overview screen. Contains voice consumption reports.

We plan to support even more curated reports as we develop new features and expand our data and analytics capabilities.

Custom reports

All reports and dashboards created by you are now available in one place under the Custom tab, alongside the Default dashboards curated by us. This makes the Insights module much leaner and easier to navigate.


Report Migration

This section will give you a detailed breakdown of the extent of changes and help you navigate our dashboards to find all of the old reports and metrics that you were earlier referring to, on our old screens.


We've migrated the reports from the Overview screen to the 'User Traffic' and 'Bot Performance' Dashboards. You can find this Dashboard at Dashboards > User Traffic or Dashboards > Bot Performance.


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
UsersBot OverviewNew Users
Unique Users
MessagesBot OverviewMessages by DayCompleted
SessionsBot OverviewSessions by DayCompleted
Session DurationBot OverviewAverage Session Duration in MinutesCompleted
Users By CountryBot OverviewUnique Users by CountryCompleted
Users By Traffic ChannelBot OverviewUsers by Traffic ChannelCompleted
Users By DeviceBot OverviewUnique Users by DeviceCompleted
User AcquisitionBot OverviewUser Traffic by Channel
User Traffic by Platform
Messages exchanged between user and botBot OverviewMessages exchanged between user and botCompleted
Messages exchanged between user and agentBot OverviewMessages exchanged between user and agentCompleted


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
CSATBot Performance MetricsBot FeedbackCompleted
Flow VisitsBot Performance MetricsFlow visits for each flowCompleted


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
Bot AccuracyBot Performance MetricsBot AccuracyCompleted
Flow Completion RateBot Performance MetricsFlow completion rate
Flow completion rate for each flow
Deflection RateBot Performance MetricsDeflection rate by dayCompleted


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
Real Time User ActivityBot OverviewUnique Users in the Last MinuteCompleted
User Activity by Time (heatmap)Coming Soon
Whatsapp Channel ConsumptionComing Soon
Conversation IssuesComing Soon


This was a very redundant screen with hardly any differentiation from the Overview Dashboard. We've moved the old reports to the 'User Traffic' and 'Bot Performance' dashboards. You can find these Dashboards at Dashboards > User Traffic or Dashboards > Bot Performance.


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
UsersBot OverviewNew Users
Unique Users
MessagesBot OverviewMessages by DayCompleted
SessionsBot OverviewSessions by DayCompleted
Session DurationBot OverviewAverage Session Duration in MinutesCompleted
Users By CountryBot OverviewUnique Users by CountryCompleted
Users By Traffic ChannelBot OverviewUser Traffic by ChannelCompleted
Users By DeviceBot OverviewUnique Users by DeviceCompleted

API Usage

We've moved reports from this screen to the 'Bot Performance' dashboard. You can find these Dashboards at Dashboards > User Traffic or Dashboards > Bot Performance.


Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
Usage By Status CodeBot PerformanceAPI usage by status codeCompleted
API HitsBot PerformanceAPI requests by dayCompleted
Response TimeComing soon



Old ReportNew DashboardNew ReportMigration Status
Flows visitedBot Performance MetricsFlow VisitsCompleted
Flows completion rateBot Performance MetricsFlow completion rate
Flow completion rate for each flow
Step-wise interactionsComing soon

Standard Exports

Previously, we had a bunch of standard exports which were available on each of the screens which we have sunset. Below is a detailed breakdown of where you can find alternatives to these reports and their migration status.

The ability to export your data queries will be available for Default and Custom reports. You can also schedule report downloads.

Old ReportWhere to find this?AlternativesMigration Status
User trafficBot Overview DashboardNew Users
Unique Users
Average session duration
Real time bot activityComing Soon
User activity by timeComing Soon
User acquisitionComing Soon
Unique users by countryComing Soon
Users by deviceComing Soon
Bot performanceBot Performance Metrics DashboardBot Accuracy
Deflection Rate<b/r>Flow Completion Rate
Top flows visitedBot Performance Metrics DashboardFlow VisitsCompleted
User feedbackBot Performance Metrics DashboardBot FeedbackCompleted
User by demographicsComing Soon
Chat transcriptsData ExplorerMessage Events TablePartially Migrated
User detailsData ExplorerUser Engagement Events TableCompleted
Notification statuses by campaign IDComing Soon (we will be creating a new Dashboard for Campaign Metrics)
Flows summaryBot Performance Metrics DashboardFlow completion rate for each flowCompleted
Flow Day Wise DataBot Performance Metrics DashboardFlow visitsCompleted